The one thing they do all have in common? Suspense, action, and the thrill of the chase - that's why hunting games are part of our huge collection of action games. Of course, they aren’t all hyper-realistic simulations some of the games in this genre have some really interesting twists. PC and console gamers have also enjoyed Cabela’s Big Game Hunter, Carnivores, Deer Hunter, Primal Prey, and tons of other hit franchises that feature hunting as the best feature of the gameplay. Far Cry, first developed in 2004, was so successful in its portrayal of both realistic and sci-fi hunting gameplay that it spawned a dozen sequels that are still going strong today. For decades, indie and popular game franchises alike have been capturing and even enhancing this experience.

For thousands of years, mankind has been fashioning weapons, venturing into the wild, and slaying animals for food and for sport. The beautiful savagery of the primal art form that is hunting has now been perfected and preserved in this hunting games online category.

From Sims to Slayers, Hunting Games Are a Wild Ride