Note: To customize the Screen Tip that appears when you rest the pointer over the hyperlink, click ScreenTip, and then type the text that you want. In the list, select the heading or bookmark that you want to link to.Under Link to, click Place in This Document.Create a custom TOC Click REFERENCES > Table of Contents > Custom Table of Contents. To build a Custom Table of Contents, you need to tell Word what you want, and this is where you do it. Right-click and then click Hyperlink Hyperlink button. Transcript Delete the current TOC, click where you want to add the new TOC, open the Table of Contents gallery, and click Custom Table of Contents.Select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink.You can also add hyperlinks that will take you to a bookmarked location in the same document.

If you need to separate words, you can use an underscore ( _ )-for example, First_heading. They can include both numbers and letters, but not spaces. Note: Bookmark names need to begin with a letter.